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Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Leabhar Arainn

Seo a-nis an leabhar aig Mgr Holmer air Gàidhlig Arainn. Ged a fhuair e an leòr de chàineamh a thaobh na dòigh anns a' bheil e ga sgrìobhamh, tha e fhathast na leabhar ùiseil, inntinneach.

Here is the first book you might come across when
researching the Gaelic of Arran. Holmer's study received an absolute slating when it appeared, but never-the-less, if he had not undertaken this work, as he did in almost the whole of Mid and South Argyll, much of this material would have gone unrecorded.

Tha sinn am feum smaoineachamh air an fheadhainn seo a thàinig à dùthchanan eile airson Gàidhlig a bha dol à bith a chlàrachamh agus sinn airson dualchainntean a thoirt air ais beò. Às an aonais, bhitheamh sinn ann an suidheachamh fada nas bochda!

It is useful to think about what people from other countries managed to do for Gaelic dialects which were on the verge of extinction. We are indebted to the likes of Holmer, Wentworth and Dorian for their work which -had it lain undone- would have left us far poorer in terms of our knowledge of dialects and likewise how to revive them, than we currently are.

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