Current Dialect Ambassadors
Co-dhiù, seo na th' againn gu ruig seo!
Well, here's what we've got so far!
Ma tha fiosrachamh a dhìth oirbh mun cuairt air na dualchainntean a leanas no an ionnsachamh, o dheas gu tuath:
Comhghall 's Meadhan Arra-Ghàidheil
Baile Chaolais 's Gleann Comhain
Leódhas an Iar-thuath
....seo agaibh na TOSGAIREAN a bheireas dhuibh cuideachamh!
If you lack information on the following dialects or learning them, from south to north:
Cowal & Mid-Argyll
Ballachulish & Glen Coe
North-west Lewis
here are the TOSGAIREAN to help you out!
Agus tuillidh air sin, dé ur beachd air TOSGAIREAN ùra? Leis cho beag
's a tha an gnothach fhathast, tha TOSGAIR dhìth air an leòr den
And besides that, what do you think about new
TOSGAIRs? Given that there are still only a few of us, much of the
country lacks a TOSGAIR....
Bheil sibh eòlach air cuideigin a
tha gu math fiosrachail air dualchainnt air choireigin, cuideigin a tha
gu math fileanta ann an dualchainnt air choireigin no theaga cuideigin a
bhitheas a' toirt aire mhóir do dh' eachdraigh Ghàidhealach na sgìre
Do you know of someone who is very knowledgable about a
particular dialect, someone who is very fluent in a dialect, or perhaps
someone who takes great interest in the Gaelic history of their area?
Tha sinn airson cluinntinn bhuaibh! Na leigibh dàil! Leasachamh sinn an
lìon le bhith ag obair còmhla. Cuireamh sinn stad air a' ghrotachamh le
bhith toirt neart 's sgàirt do na dh' fhàg an saoghal aig a chùl....
We want to hear from you. Don't delay! Let us develop the web by
working together. Let's put a stop to the degradation by giving strength
and vigour to what the world left behind....
Thoiribh dhuinn ur beachdan :)
Give us your thoughts :)
Àdhamh Ó Broin
Comhghall 's Meadhan Arra-Ghàidheil
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