toir sibh sùil air làrach cho gasta 's a ghabhas? Bha cuid dhinn an seo
aig DROITSEACH nach fhacaidh riadh e is mairg a ràdh! 'S e goireas air
leth a tha seo airson dualchainntean na dùthcha a dhealbhamh, ann an
Alba Nuadh....
Have a look at this terrific site and an example of the sort of thing that can be done to illustrate the different dialect areas found in a place, here specifically Nova Scotia and the good folks that are striving to ensure it does not become "a' Ghalltachd Nuadh"....
Nach d' fhuair sinne ceachd agus brosnachamh às gun teaga!
A lesson for us at DROITSEACH and a great encouragement!
Have a look at this terrific site and an example of the sort of thing that can be done to illustrate the different dialect areas found in a place, here specifically Nova Scotia and the good folks that are striving to ensure it does not become "a' Ghalltachd Nuadh"....
Nach d' fhuair sinne ceachd agus brosnachamh às gun teaga!
A lesson for us at DROITSEACH and a great encouragement!

An Drochaid Eadarainn
An Drochaid Eadarainn (The Bridge
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