do Sheachdain Àird Gobhair! Agus mar am bitheantas, seo agaibh blasad
cainnt nan daoine fhéi', mar a fhuaireamh aig Calum Iain MacIlleathain.
Seo agaibh Gilleasbuig Camshronach, fear uamharraidh fileanta agus air a
bhogamh -mar a b' àbhaist dhaibh aig an àm fhathast- anns an dualchas aige fhéi'....
Welcome to Ardgour week! And somehow, the power of the alphabet has kept us in Argyll all through our first month here at DROITSEACH and we're not complaining!
As usual, it is essential to start procedings with a blast of the dialect, and here is Calum MacLean's informant from Ardgour, Mr Archie Cameron.
Nach miorbhailteach Tobar an Dualchais? :)
Welcome to Ardgour week! And somehow, the power of the alphabet has kept us in Argyll all through our first month here at DROITSEACH and we're not complaining!
As usual, it is essential to start procedings with a blast of the dialect, and here is Calum MacLean's informant from Ardgour, Mr Archie Cameron.
Nach miorbhailteach Tobar an Dualchais? :)

Òran à Àird Gobhair, air a sheinn gu gasta le Griogair Labhruidh....
A terrific song from Ardgour, as sung by Griogair Labhruidh....
A terrific song from Ardgour, as sung by Griogair Labhruidh....
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