Fàilte chridheil don fheadhainn a thàinig gar n-ionnsaigh bho cheann tacain agus fàilte oirbh uile don t-Seachdain Arainn!
Welcome all of you who recently joined us and welcome everyone to Arran Week, where we will be sharing what we know and looking to learn from all of you, a bit more about the dialect of 'Scotland in Miniature'.
'S e a' chiad rud a bu chòir dhuinn dèanamh, 's e a bhith a' roinn beagan de Ghàidhlig an àite agus 's ann aig Tobar an Dualchais a gheobh sinn Iain MacDhonnachaidh agus esan h-aon den fheadhainn mu dheireamh a bha fileanta ann an dualchainnt an àite.
The first thing to do is to share a bit of Arran's spoken language from Kist o Riches. Click on 'Find all tracks listing this person as a contributor or reporter' to listen to John Robertson's lovely Gaelic, himself at the time one of the last who was fluent....
Welcome all of you who recently joined us and welcome everyone to Arran Week, where we will be sharing what we know and looking to learn from all of you, a bit more about the dialect of 'Scotland in Miniature'.
'S e a' chiad rud a bu chòir dhuinn dèanamh, 's e a bhith a' roinn beagan de Ghàidhlig an àite agus 's ann aig Tobar an Dualchais a gheobh sinn Iain MacDhonnachaidh agus esan h-aon den fheadhainn mu dheireamh a bha fileanta ann an dualchainnt an àite.
The first thing to do is to share a bit of Arran's spoken language from Kist o Riches. Click on 'Find all tracks listing this person as a contributor or reporter' to listen to John Robertson's lovely Gaelic, himself at the time one of the last who was fluent....

Tobar an Dualchais - Biography - John Robertson
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